RMI Newsletter – 2019 in Review and the Year Ahead

December 2019 | Volume 5, Issue 4

2019 in Review and the Year Ahead

It is hard to believe another year has come and gone! For the discipline of Resource Management (RM), the RMI, and its’ members, this past year was certainly one where substantive progress has been made and the stage has been set for an exciting year in 2020!
Read the Year in Review

Five Reasons RMOs Fail: And How to Avoid These Pitfalls

The benefits of creating and operating an RMO are many, and done right will lead to improved project outcomes, resource utilization, customer satisfaction (internal and external) and employee engagement. The potential pitfalls with building a new RMO are also abundant but the RMI is here to help companies and RMO leaders accelerate the learning curve.
Read the White Paper

New European Resource and Capacity Planning LinkedIn Group

The RMI is announcing a new LinkedIn group to provide the European business community a vehicle to advance the discipline of resource management. Via a forum for sharing of issues, best practices, and other RM discipline related information, group participants can help and further the interests of the people who make up the European RM community and the companies they work for.
Learn More and Join the Group


RMCP® Spotlight

The last RMCP® Spotlight of 2019 shines on April Toyota, Manager, IT Resource Capacity Management and IT Business Services at Alberta Health Services. Find out why she chose to work in resource management and her favorite hobby!
Read the Interview

Resource Management Global Symposium 2020

HOLD THE DATE! The third annual Resource Management Global Symposium will be held September 24 – 25th in Dallas, Texas. Mark your calendars and keep watching our website for further announcements coming soon. RMGS 2020 will have more content, more advanced topics, and more opportunities to network with your peers.

RMI Survey: Sourcing Strategies

This research will identify trends in sourcing strategies to address needs for capacity, flexibility, and cost. Take the Survey Looking for results of a previous survey? From RM Processes to Skills Tracking and Management to RM Automation Tools, you can download all of our research reports from our website. Research Reports

RMCP® 2020 Program Schedule

The first classroom session of the year is Jan. 28 – 30 in Cincinnati, OH. Just a reminder, starting January 1, 2020 the classroom price will be $1,995. Classroom Registration The next instructor led online sessions are scheduled to start February 5. Get $1,795 early bird pricing through January 5, 2020. Online Registration
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