Resource Management Maturity: The Road to Continuous Improvement

By Randy Mysliviec, Managing Director, RMI

Resource management is the long pole in the tent when it comes to overall project performance and efficient utilization of human capital. And where the typical project-based service team spends three-quarters of their budget on people, being good at resource management should be job # 1! A proven method for making steady and important progress in building your Resource Management maturity should start with assessing where you are today – your baseline. From there you can make plans for, and begin, your transformation efforts. The RMI’s Resource Management Maturity Model was built for this purpose.

The RMI RM Maturity Model, available free to RMI members, has five defined levels of organizational maturity. Important to state that your company may or may not fit neatly into a particular level as your current status for the various capability areas may vary. You might be a level 2 on some of those and a level 3 on others and so on. Establishing where you are however, in each capabilities area defined in the model e.g. governance or forecasting or staffing or any of the remaining elements, provides a starting point for your transformation efforts.

For the RMCP®s working with the model, you are ahead of the game coming armed with knowledge specific to each of the capabilities areas which map to the Just-in-Time Resourcing® elements. As you work to improve your overall RM capabilities, a thorough self-assessment using the model can help you build organization support if not consensus to address those areas of identified need. Once your self-assessment is complete, you can then build a business process transformation plan to address your identified areas of need and begin the process of continuous improvement. Be sure part of that plan includes baselining key RM metrics and establishing goals to demonstrate benefits as outcomes of your transformation efforts

If you need help with using the model or want some hands-on help, check out our many online resources on the RMI website or send us a note to You should also consider joining us at RMI Connect, a virtual event dedicated to this topic of RM Maturity, coming up September 21-22, 2021.

Good luck with your journey on the road to continuous improvement in resource management!