RMI Connect – Sponsor Showcase – BigTime

Company Description / Overview

BigTime helps professional services organizations operate more effectively so they can better plan, manage and get paid for client work. Our award-winning Professional Services Automation (PSA) software enables better project, finance, and resource management backed by robust analytics and reporting.

Exciting news! BigTime recently acquired Primetric, the most comprehensive yet intuitive resource management solution on the market to further accelerate sustainable growth and success for professional services organizations.

Product Description

Built for professional services firms looking to grow and scale, BigTime unifies budgeting, project execution, task management, resource planning, invoicing, and project financials.  BigTime gives your entire team the tools they need to deliver billable work on time and on budget, with an average improvement of 25% in gross margins.

Product Features/Highlights/Benefits

  • Allocate resources to projects: See availability for specific projects with skill matching, billable vs. non-billable hours and budgeted hours vs. actuals
  • Oversee projects: Actionable insights to course-correct projects in real-time
  • Business planning and optimization: Report visualization gives teams immediate access to meaningful data
  • Manage payments and finances: Get paid faster with easier billing and payment options for clients
  • Integrate: A single source of truth for your data while keeping the tech stack you love

Why Choose BigTime?

BigTime takes care of your operations so you can focus on what you do best.

  • Turn plans into productivity: We make it easy. Rely on our platform that was built for your industry to add predictability to your processes.
  • Make progress quickly: There’s no time to waste. Easily integrate with your existing systems and gain greater visibility within one billing cycle.
  • Trust a smarter partner: We’ve been there. Tap into our shared learnings from thousands of other organizations before you and decades of experience.
  • Focus on the things that matter most: Gain more control. Deliver on your business aspirations while having the confidence to be nimble for the next great opportunity.

How Can BigTime Help Your Company?

Streamline your operations, improve productivity, and boost profitability with real-time insight for long-term success.